Reception and Launch of Views

Substance’s new online platform Views was launched at this event.

Views is designed to make it easier for public service providers to demonstrate the impact of their work. It provides public service commissioners with high quality evidence of delivery outcomes and value. It identifies both where efficiency savings can be achieved as well as those projects likely to deliver the greatest impact. In short, where tough funding decisions need to be taken, Views will enable them to be made with confidence.

Developed and piloted with support from the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) and the Cabinet Office, Views builds on the existing Substance Project Reporting System (SPRS) which has helped hundreds of individual projects and national programmes to capture and evaluate their work over the past four years.

Views Logo 2011


Views will deliver greater:
Through its elegant and intuitive interface
In terms of configuration, reporting and integration with third party tools such as The Pool, a new e-social marketplace, and Triangle Consulting’s online Outcomes Star
In terms of data processing, benchmarking, outcome and value mapping
Through open data protocols to enable bespoke real time views of data and multi format presentations

The new Views platform is currently being piloted with range of public service delivery organisations and commissioners across the UK who will be on hand to share their experiences.