John Tizard

John Tizard: John TizardDirector of The Centre for Public Service Partnerships

John Tizard is the Director of The Centre for Public Service Partnerships which is an independent research and policy and practice centre. It focuses on public service strategic commissioning, productivity, performance and governance with a specific interest in partnerships between public agencies and between them and the business and third sectors including Total Place. John regularly writes, speaks and comments on these issues.

John established the Centre at The University of Birmingham and then set up CPSP in January 2010. He has since been appointed as an Honorary Senior Fellow at the University of Birmingham. He is a member of the advisory boards for Centre for Public Scrutiny, the Social Market Foundation and Advisory Panel on the CLG/LGA sponsored Local Government Innovations Award Scheme.

John was a senior executive at the Capita Group plc from May 1997 to December 2007 and previously a senior director at Scope. John has had 18 years experience as a county councillor (1981 – 1999) and is a former council leader. He is a non-executive director of the Social Investment Business, a non executive director of Entrepreneurs in Action (EiA) and a member of the Strategic Advisory Board of BiP Solutions Ltd. He is a Fellow of the RSA.